These pictures were all taken on November 17, when I was 20 weeks pregnant.

We got to see his feet too, but they didn't give us a copy of that picture. I thought his feet looked exactly like Jeff's hobbit feet. I guess we'll get to see them in person soon!
Here's my favorite. He's looking at us!
The whole ultrasound session was really cool! It was like an anatomy lesson. We got to see all four chambers of the heart pumping and saw both hemisphere's of the brain. The technician kept pointing out other organs too, but they were hard for me to tell what they were. They just looked like different blobs of grey. I'm looking forward to seeing what he looks like in the outside world. Just a few more days!!

The whole ultrasound session was really cool! It was like an anatomy lesson. We got to see all four chambers of the heart pumping and saw both hemisphere's of the brain. The technician kept pointing out other organs too, but they were hard for me to tell what they were. They just looked like different blobs of grey. I'm looking forward to seeing what he looks like in the outside world. Just a few more days!!