Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012!!

Happy New Year!!
We got back from California yesterday and I am now getting myself organized to be ready for a fresh new year. In keeping with tradition, I have made some New Year's resolutions. And I am going to keep them this year.....seriously.....I promise.....okay, I might need a reminder in March.

Blog more!!
I have been away from this blog for awhile. Originally, this blog was a way to keep track of all of my crafty creations. Later it became a way to keep my far flung family updated on Leif's childhood. Then I just got overwhelmed and it just sat here for so long that I forgot the password. So, I have a pile of crafts, videos and pictures that are just waiting to be uploaded.

I know this one is not very imaginative, but it is definitely something I need to do more. With our crazy Minnesota winters, it is very easy to hibernate and wait until spring to do anything active. With the exception of joining a gym, any suggestions on winter exercise would be appreciated.

Do more art with Leif!!
Leif loves to color and he spends a lot of time drawing at the dining room table. But now that he is in the toddler stage, I really want to start doing more crafts with him.

Finish masters degree!!
ugh. This one has been hanging over my head for too long. I think I finally have the catalyst I need to finish. My new school district has a significant financial incentive if I have a masters degree. So, I now just need to make a timeline and get going. Easy, right?

That's all for now. I have many things to write about from our holiday celebrations, so stay tuned for updates.