Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Congratulations, Rachel!!

My sister, Rachel, successfully defended her PhD dissertation yesterday at NYU! It was almost a decade of work (and an entire ream of paper). It is an amazing accomplishment and I am very proud of her! She has always been very scholarly, from speaking her first word, "apple juice," to playing teacher with Laura and me when we were little, to not only learning a language but immersing herself in its history and culture.

Congratulations, Dr. Wimpee!!!


  1. Happy happy happyyyyyy! It sounds like you had a great time.... but I'm still sad I wasn't there with all of you. I'm proud of both of my sisters!

  2. Thank you so much, Monica! It meant a lot to have you here with me. Laura, we will all catch up at Christmas! You have both accomplished so much as well and I am always bragging about you. It's a good feeling to be finished with the ph.d. I'm proof that you can finish these huge projects, even if it seems impossible at the start. :)
