Here is an "Around-the-World" quilt that I made for Jeff's nephew, Jacob. We didn't know if he was going to be a boy or girl, so I thought yellow and green were very gender neutral colors. I tried to arrange the colors in a way that made sort of an optical illusion. If you squint at it, it looks almost like you are looking down on a pyramid.

There is a really easy shortcut to making this pattern, that I will blog about in the future. So, don't be fooled by all the little squares. I didn't cut those out and sew those individually. :)

This is a quick fleece blanket that I made for a friend. I didn't have the time to commit to an actual quilt, so I thought just a soft cozy blanket was good enough. This blanket only took one evening to make. It was just one piece of mint green fleece with ivory fleece appliqued on top.

Then I used silky ivory blanket edging to finish it off.

This duck taggy blanket was also really quick to make. It took me about 2 hours. There are two layers of duck fleece fabric with loops of yellow polka dot ribbon on the edges. My sister just blogged about some taggies that she has been making here. This taggy is only about the size of a hand towel and is supposed to be more of a toy than a blanket.