It has taken me a month to post this.....I've been a little busy.
Leif Charles was born on April 5, 2010 at 4:36pm.
He was 8 pounds 5 ounces and 20.5 inches long.
He was absolutely perfect at birth! Jeff and I are enjoying parenthood and having so much fun with our little boy!

Sunrise on the morning of Leif's birthday.
I took this picture shortly after checking into our hospital room.

After spending some time with us, he got his routine newborn tests.

One of our first pictures together.

Leif meeting his dad for the first time.

Sleeping after the excitement of being born.

Jeff got to stay at the hospital with us.

All dressed for the trip home. Wednesday April 7.

Big yawn!!

Just before checking out of the hospital and heading home!